Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Neat search engine

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Concepts First Java Exam June 1, 2009

Review sheet for the first java exam, June 1, 2009.

No class May 25, 2009

Due to Memorial Day, there is no class May 25, 2009.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Books online, first major assignment

For your next blog assignment, I would like you to check out this free e-book released by a college professor:

Download it here.

Direct link here.

Save it to your USB drive, I think it's a good supplemental resource! On your blog do Exercise 1.1 after reading Chapter 1.

These are the questions:

a. In computer jargon, what’s the difference between a statement and a comment?
b. What does it mean to say that a program is portable?
c. What is an executable?

Previously I asked you to read chapters 1 and 2 from Big Java. Today we covered 3-5. Follow along by reading at home.

Your first "Major Assignment" will be due in 7 days. Here it is.

Class Doctor, Class Patient

Think of four things to keep track of for a Patient

Think of three things about a Doctor to keep track of

Design 3 methods for each and a constructor for each!

Make a Patient object and a Doctor object within your main method

Work with a partner. Use if statements within two of your methods!

When you are finished, login to

Your username is the first letter of your first name and your last name. Mine would be DFREER

Your password is your Miami Dade College id number.

The course id is: summerjava

When you login attach your zipped up code to

Look for the first discussion and attach your code in your reply.
Since moodle didn't allow discussions, please email me at with the zipped up Netbeans project!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Please review the following post on your blog

What do you think of this article? Where do you fit in?

Please comment on your own blog.

Exercise in class

With another person in class, design a Plant class for a nursery. Keep track of 5 relevant pieces of information. Then create a Nursery class and make 3 plant objects using plants found in South Florida. Output will be the three objects printed out (using toString).

Monday, May 11, 2009

Create a class blog

First assignment on blog:
In your own words:

What is object oriented programming?

What is a class?

What is an object?

What is a variable? Give an example.

What is a constructor?

Email me

//Name, what you expect to learn in this class, whether you
//work with computers, any other info!

At home install Netbeans 6.5 on your computer.

Welcome to COP 2800!

It's great to meet you!