Monday, July 28, 2008


package recursion;

* @author dfreer
public class SmallestNumber {
//How are we going to use recursion to figure out the smallest number???

//take in an array of integers
public static int findSmallest(int [] a)
//call another method with a counter
return findSmallestRecursively(a, 0);

//return smallest number (int)

public static int findSmallestRecursively(int [] a, int counter)
//base case
//if we've reached the end of the array, stop! return minimum!

//if statement to determine whether next number is smaller or larger

//keep track of the smallest number using a variable (int)

//call findSmallestRecursively from itself!! (this is what makes recursion)
//within the recursive call increment counter!

public static void main(String []args)
//call the first method!

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