Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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package bankaccount;

* @author dfreer
public class Client {
//Client properties
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private double balance;
private int socialSecurity;

//methods for the Client
public String returnName()
return firstName + lastName;
public double getBalance(){
if(balance > 0)
return balance;
return -9999;

public void deposit(double amt)
balance = balance + amt;
//this is the constructor for the client object
public Client(String fn, String ln, double b, int ss){
firstName = fn;
lastName = ln;
balance = b;
socialSecurity = ss;

public static void main (String [] args)
Client ourFirstClient = new Client("Dwyane", "Wade", 6787456.24, 123456798);
//we make an object of Client for Dwyane Wade and return his balance
//6787456.24 is expected
//boolean a = true;
//add to the constructor an address, preferred customer capability,
//add a method to withdraw money but do not let customer withdraw more than they


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