Monday, October 27, 2008

Today's review GraderProgram

1. Take three numbers 60, 70, 80 and find the average.

2. Allow the user to enter three numbers and find the average.

3. Allow the user to enter three numbers, find the average, and give back a letter grade:
90-100 : "A"
80-89 : "B"
70-79 : "C"
60-69 : "D"
0-59 : "F"

4. Allow the user to enter three numbers and find the average if the first is worth 60% and the next two are worth 40% (20% each). Give them back a letter grade according to the previous rule.

5. Allow the user to input numbers until they quit (-1). Weight the grades equally and give back a letter grade!

6. Lastly print out their scores. Here's how:


FileOutputStream writeWords2 = new FileOutputStream("output.txt");
PrintStream p1 = new PrintStream(writeWords2);

Please put it on your FTP space.

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